
Write to Your MP to Keep the £20 Lifeline

Cutting Universal Credit by £20 per week at the start of October will see the annual incomes of millions of families cut overnight by £1,040. We need MPs to understand how big an impact this will have on people's ability to get by.

MPs respond best to messages that are personal. We're going to ask you a couple of questions to help craft an email for you. We will not store any information you share.

Please remember to write your answers in full sentences so they make sense in the final email to your MP.

Hints: Who else is in your household? Do you have children? Are you employed? Are you disabled?

Example: My name is Julie and I am a single mother of two children, aged 4 and 2

What change would it make to your total income? (you can use our Benefits Calculator to estimate)
What would it mean to your ability to pay for food/rent/bills?
How would this affect your physical and mental wellbeing?

Finally we need to know your postcode so we can identify your MP.